When you have the opportunity to spend time with naturally managed horses, you begin to see them as individuals, with their own habits and ways of being. They yawn and stretch. They scratch, play, eat, explore. They form bonds and relationships. They look for a comfortable place to rest. They are not objects, but living beings with whom it is nice to interact and build a relationship that goes beyond just riding.
When you have the opportunity to spend time with naturally managed horses, you begin to see them as individuals, with their own habits and ways of being. They yawn and stretch. They scratch, play, eat, explore. They form bonds and relationships. They look for a comfortable place to rest. They are not objects, but living beings with whom it is nice to interact and build a relationship that goes beyond just riding.
Subvert the traditional anthropocentric approach by focusing on the horse and its needs for socialization, movement and nutrition.
Subvert the traditional anthropocentric approach by focusing on the horse and its needs for socialization, movement and nutrition.